Discover creamy mango mousse: just 3 ingredients for a heavenly dessert!

| Classé dans Desserts

Make a rich, creamy mango mousse with just three ingredients. This exotic and easy-to-make dessert will delight your taste buds and those of your guests.

Creamy mango mousse

Ingredients for Creamy Mango Mousse

  • 2 ripe mangoes
  • 2 tablespoons of sugar
  • 200ml thick crème fraîche

Preparation of Creamy Mango Mousse

  1. Prepare the mango puree: Peel the mangoes and remove the stone. Put the mango flesh in a blender with the sugar and blend until you obtain a smooth puree.
  2. Whip the cream: In another bowl, beat the crème fraîche until it has the consistency of whipped cream.
  3. Assemble the foam: Gently incorporate the mango puree into the whipped cream until smooth.
  4. Refrigerate: Pour the mousse into ramekins or coupes and place them in the refrigerator for at least 2 hours before serving.

This creamy mango mousse is a true tropical delight. This is an incredibly easy dessert to make that requires just three simple ingredients. Don’t hesitate to garnish the mousse with pieces of fresh mango or coconut shavings for an even more spectacular presentation. Savor the richness of mango in this refreshing and creamy dessert!

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