Geo Trouvetou coloring page to print and color

| Classé dans Disney

Free coloring of the Disney character Geo Trouvetou or Geo Trouvetout to print and color. Géo Trouvetou (physical resemblance to a chicken) arrived on television in the animated series La Bande à Picsou. As his name suggests, he invents lots of objects. This resourceful inventor did not always create useful things. He sometimes invents devices that have no use. However, we can trust Scrooge’s great-nephews (Riri, Fifi, Loulou and Zaza) to find a way to have fun with it. To color Géo Trouvetou from the world of ducks, you need orange for his beak, red for his hair, blue for his pants, his big brown shoes…

Coloring Geo Trouvetou

Geo Trouvetou

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